Tesla Science Foundation Mission & Vision

by NikolaTesla

The Tesla Science Foundation (TSF), founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA on January 7th, 2010, and The Tesla Science Foundation Serbia (TNFS), founded in Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia, on, January 7th, 2013, are two separate and independent organizations that have a similar mission and task – promoting the image and work of Nikola Tesla, encouraging innovation among young people and establishing the best possible cooperation between the mother country and the Serbian diaspora, especially the American

Remembering Tesla and his earthly life, the SPC (Serbian Orthodox Church) holds a memorial service, and the TNF conference, where we celebrate Tesla’s life and work, invites everyone who has contributed something of significance in the promotion of Tesla and Tesla’s people from all walks of life.

In the next period, we will organize a few Tesla conferences:

June 2nd, 2023 – “Tesla For the Third Time in Belgrade” conference (Belgrade, Serbia)

July 9th, 2023 – “Tesla Scientific Fair” (The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, USA)

September 9th, 2023 – “Tesla Fair” (Cleveland Cultural Garden, Cleveland, USA)

January 13th&14th, 2024 – “Tesla Spirit Award & Tesla’s People” conference (The New Yorker Hotel, NYC, USA)

We ask those to join us that wish to introduce their respective expertise in the sciences, inventions, literature, film, painting, music, etc. as we are prepared to organize appropriate presentations, recognize and promote their accomplishments and invite them to play an active role in the Foundation.

You can contact us at the following contacts:

Tesla Science Foundation and Teslina naučna fondacija Srbije

E-mail: info@teslasciencefoundation.org or teslinnarod@gmail.com

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