Public announcement: Belgrade and Philadelphia, April 12. 2020.

by NikolaTesla


Dear friends and fans of Nikola Tesla,

we would like to inform you that Tesla Science Foundation Conferences are cancelled until further notice: May 31. 2020. Ilija Kolarac Centre, International Conference, ‘Tesla in Belgrade’ 3rd time.
June 1. 2020. Ilija Kolarac Centre International Conference Tesla’s People’
At both Conferences, it was planned to award all people who contributed substantially to promotion of Nikola Tesla and his heritage.
Tesla Science Foundation Serbia and Tesla Science Foundation from Philadephia are continuing with the program, providing that the suggested winners will be interviewed through and rewards are going to be given by mail.
Meeting of ‘Tesla’s People’ in Philadelphia is booked for September, which will be held if we will be allowed to gather in groups. If that doesn’t happen, the Conference will be held through .
Tesla Science Foundation has been working on, beside everything else, improvement of relationships of motherland and Serbian diaspora. For that purpose, in 2014 we organised a manifestation marking 200 years of official immigration of the first Serbian to America (George Fisher). At the initiative of Tesla Science Foundation of Serbia and at that time President Marko Lopushina, we organised several Conferences at the theme Tesla’s People. At the initiative of Nikola Lončar, founder and President of Tesla Science Foundation, Director Željko Mirković filmed a documentary ‘Tesla’s People’ where important Serbs who live and work in America were filmed.
We are currently working on next activities:

  • interviews among Serbian people, in motherland as well as in diaspora, at the theme in improvement of relationship between them, based on which results the National Program of all Serbs will be suggested.
  • forming of communication centres whose employees will be working on results based on interviews and cooperation between motherland and diaspora.
  • after collecting and analysing results of the interviews, we will be working on continuation of ‘Tesla’s People’ and a new concept and idea that will give us an insight into problems and possible solutions for improvement of relationship between motherland and diaspora and our people in the world where they live.
  • at the beginning of May we will start choosing candidates for traditional awards of Tesla Science Foundation called “Tesla Spirit Award” at our yearly manifestation on January 16. 2021 in New York.
  • Ashley Redfearn Neswick, Director of Education for Tesla Science Foundation and Craig Dovidio, Director of platform, also
    at the beginning of May, will start, through this platform, with
    presenting of individuals who, from all over the world, are working on promoting of Nikola Tesla and his work.
  • founding of ‘Tesla Club Zemun’ whose basic goal is to connect Serbs from all over the world in terms of transfer of technology that can be applied in Serbia. Special part of function of this club will be work on inventors in Serbia.

With this occasion, says Nikola Lonchar, we are calling all individuals and organisations to work together at cooperation of Serbia and its diaspora, because eventhough its members have left its people and are now more useful than if they stayed in their motherland.
At Tesla Science Foundation we think that it is very important to use very well tried methods, especially from former President of Ireland Mary Robinson. It was a country that was in a very poor state, but connecting it with its diaspora, she made it to a country that has biggest growth in economy in Europe. A complete opposite example is Armenia which is known to have one of the richest diaspora in the USA but has no cooperation with its diaspora. That is why Armenia is in such a poor shape.
I had the honour of meeting the President of Ireland in person, to be at her lectures, and I am sure that her model of cooperation with diaspora is applicable to Serbian diaspora. Many times I was present at Armenian meetings in the USA and I will try to apply what I learned from both” said Lonchar.

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