Join us & Support Us for the ANNUAL TESLA MEMORIAL CONFERENCE held at the New Yorker Hotel on January 14, 2023

by NikolaTesla

Ways to help and support us:

-Join us for the ANNUAL TESLA MEMORIAL CONFERENCE held at the New Yorker Hotel on January 14, 2023

-If you are a scientist or a teacher, join us with your presentation or come to meet us and share your ideas

-If you are an artist, contact us to show your vision

-If you have an idea and want to join the team

DONATE to our organization so we can reach the goal in the near future!

Levels of donation:

Friend: $500 ( for the amount of $500 you will get 2 free tickets to the conference and award event with DVD of the recorded conference)

Bronze : $1,000 (4 free tickets to the conference and award event with DVD of the recorded conference)

Silver Sponsor: $2,500 (8 free tickets to the conference, award event, free table for a display of Tesla related work and DVD of the recorded conference)

Gold Sponsor: $5,000 (table for 10 to the conference and award event, free table for a display of Tesla related work, small Tesla bust, and DVD of the recorded conference)

Platinum Sponsor: $ 10,000 (Tesla’s bust, for you to share our mission and find a presentable place for it to be displayed (table for 10 to the conference and award event, free table for a display of Tesla related work, and DVD of the recorded conference)

With all of these levels of donations, your logo and/or your name will be displayed on our website, on our banner and in the program at the conference.

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