by NikolaTesla


The work, life and legacy of Nikola Tesla has forever changed everyday life for everyone on earth. From the advent of alternating current to the induction motor, x-ray and radio, his inventions have greatly influenced the course of human history. Presently Tesla has been a beacon for some of the most groundbreaking research around the world. His new popularity inspires people of all ages to investigate the historical prevalence of his devices ultimately leading to breakthrough research in countless fields such as medical, technology, energy and many more.

To address this ever-expanding knowledge base of Tesla related research, the annual “TESLA MEMORIAL CONFERENCE” will be held on January 14th in Manhattan, New York at the New Yorker Hotel. The program is being organized by the Tesla Science Foundation. Conference proceedings will be summarized in a variety of publications.

The conference will highlight recent research on Tesla related technology, economics, art and science. Studies from outside the United States are welcome. Examples of subjects that might be submitted for this conference include, but are not limited to:

1) How would Tesla technology affect U.S. and international economies?

2) What are the political hurdles associated with Tesla’s legacy?

3) How has the technology of Tesla’s earlier patents changed over time?

4) What are the risks associated with Tesla technology?

5) How have measurement devices changed over time, and how do they vary across countries and industries?

6) What does the future hold for wireless telecommunications, resonance based imaging, energy distribution?

7) What can be done to expedite a Tesla technology inspired industrial renaissance?

Submissions of research by academic scholars and independent researchers are encouraged. Conference participants will be chosen based on the manuscripts they submit. The deadline for submissions is November 20th. Authors chosen to present will be notified by October 20th, 2023.

Please upload your manuscript with brief 150 word description to the following email no later than November 20th 2023: NikolaLonchar@TeslaScienceFoundation.org

Nikola Lonchar
President / Founder
Tesla Science Foundation
Nikola Tesla Club
Nikola Tesla Inventors Club

Viber: + 1 484 955 0545

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